Friday, August 8, 2014

Walking through the old 'hood

Yesterday, by the time my work day was done, I was ready to chew through nails. Two tough days in a row, and I'd had enough.

So I decided to go on a photo safari in Jay's old neighborhood, Brooklyn.

Because that's where our PO boxes are, I've spent quite a bit of time in various parts of the neighborhood, but had never walked through it.

I didn't find a lot to shoot, but there were some fun things:

The piano fence behind Jay's old house, now barely visible

His old back/front door

The Aladdin Theater

With The Lamp right next door - one of Jay's & my favorite spots

Street names in the sidewalk

I was hoping to find one of the old horse rings in a curb, but none of the streets I walked down had any that I spotted.

I walked around for about a half hour before my headache came back, and it and the sun started to make me queasy.  Still, it was good to get out and walk around.

A few more shots at the Flickr set.

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